Peter is a filmmaker based in New York City. In 2023, his short film VARIATIONS ON A THEME was selected for BeyondFest, Overlook Film Festival, Popcorn Frights, Fantaspoa, and Chicago Intl Film Festival. He was invited to pitch the feature film project based on the short film at Frontières Market and Forum in Montreal.
He began his career directing music videos in the Chicago hip-hop scene for artists like Saba, Towkio, and Chance the Rapper. Campbell made his feature film directorial debut with the independent feature DimLand (2021) which was distributed by Gravitas Ventures and is available to stream on Amazon Prime and Paramount+.
His narrative and music video work has been featured and awarded in film festivals around the world, including the Seattle International Film Festival, Atlanta Film Festival, Chattanooga Film Festival, deadCenter, Leeds Film Festival, Directors Notes, FilmShortage, Vimeo Staff Picks and many others.
He is currently preparing to shoot his second feature film, GRIND, later in 2024 in New York City. The black comedy-thriller follows a food delivery gig worker at the end of his rope as he tries to make all of his rent in one night, to disastrous results. Miles Robbins is attached to star.
DimLand featured on “15 Best Liminal Space Horror Movies” - Movieweb
Variations on a Theme in Variety’s Frontieres Market Write-up
DimLand on Fangoria’s “Colors of the Dark” Podcast
Interview on “Wrath of the iOtians” Podcast
Interview on “Following Films” Podcast
Interview with The Knockturnal
Interview on “Scarred For Life” Podcast
Variations on a Theme - Bloody Flicks Review
Top Ten Liminal Horror Movies - Dread Central
DimLand -“Buried Treasure Award” and Film Review, Chlotrudis Film Society
DimLand featured on “The Daily Stream” - Slashfilm
DimLand Announcement - Dread Central
DimLand Trailer Announcement - Screen Anarchy
DimLand Announcement - Nightmarish Conjurings
DimLand - Scary Stuff Podcast Review
DimLand - Daily Grindhouse Review
DimLand - The Farsighted Review
DimLand Kickstarter in Mountain Xpress News
Interview on “CinemaJaw” Podcast